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March 12, 2010

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CancerTruth - Now on Facebook

Are you a "Dissenter"?

Resveratrol is Really Remarkable

Don't be fooled by "AminoSweet"

Want to Get Healthy? Lay off the Sodas!

"The 9 Steps to Keep the Doctor Away"

CancerTruth - Now on Facebook

Just within the past week, I launched my fan page on Facebook. Please click the icon below and take 2 minutes to become a fan. Ill be updating regularly with photos, videos, and lots more info. And don't forget to visit daily to get your Daily Health Tip.

Please share this with all your friends. Lets work together to bring HEALTH and TRUTH to the masses. See you on Facebook!

Oh, and just in case you missed it, back in the fall I also launched a CancerTruth YouTube Channel, so feel free to join up there as well. I plan to post another YouTube video this month.

Are you a "Dissenter"?

Have you ever considered yourself to be anti-establishment? If you are a believer in natural cancer treatments, its likely that you are one of the rare breed of people who actually think for themselves and dont buy everything they heard from the controlled media on the brainwash tube (TV). It's also within the realm of possibility that you (being a thinker and not a sheeple) might hold what would be considered to be a dissenting political opinion.

Watch out folks! One week ago, on March 4th, Senators John McCain and Joe Lieberman introduced the “Enemy Belligerent, Interrogation, Detention, and Prosecution Act of 2010.” Sounds really great doesnt it? The government is going to protect us all from the enemies” and the terrorists.

My question: Who exactly are the enemies and who are the terrorists?

This proposed new bill sets out a comprehensive policy for the detention, interrogation, and trial of suspected enemy belligerents who are believed to have engaged in hostilities against the USA by mandating that these “high value detainees” be detained (without Miranda rights) in military custody indefinitely and without trial based on their “suspected activity.

According to the bill, an individual does NOT even have to pose a threat to be snatched, detained, and interrogated. If someone is considered to be of “potential intelligence value” or come under the vague and sweeping mandate of “such other matters as the President considers appropriate,” then they can be detained indefinitely.

Alarmingly, the bill does NOT distinguish between US citizens and non-citizens. In other words, the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights do not apply to US citizens who are suspected of potentially possessing possible intelligence value (whatever that means) or if the President (who now basically has dictatorial authority) feels like detaining that person. Wow! I dont know about you, but there is waaaaaaay too much subjectivity in these criteria, especially in light of the fact that the government has, in essence, criminalized the very act of dissention. Dont believe me? Try reading the MIAC report, Public Law 109-364, and the Military Commissions Act of 2006 and then get back with me....

Folks, the bottom line is that millions of peaceful American citizens could potentially be swept up by this frightening dragnet of tyranny. Is it beyond the realm of possibility that health freedom proponents (like me) could be branded as enemy “belligerents” and indefinitely detained under this proposed act? If you remember in last months newsletter, I gave you a link to protest the horrific DSSA bill (also proposed by sell-out John McCain). Did you click the link to protest? If so, wouldnt that qualify you as a dissenter?

Indefinite imprisonment and secret trials are signs of a dictatorship, not a free republic!  I remember back in the 1980s we used to mock the Soviets for this type of system which led to the mysterious “disappearance” of millions of people. I am truly astonished that we have senators and citizens even discussing this bill.

What can you do? Call or email your Senators and tell them that you will vote them out of office if they vote for this bill. Here is a list of the current US Senators.

What else can you do? Forward this website to everyone you know so that they can learn the truth and protest as well. There is power in numbers. Together we can help defeat this bill.

Resveratrol is Really Remarkable

Want a healthy snack for yourself or your kids? Try grapes. Grape skins contain an antioxidant called resveratrol that has been shown to cause apoptosis (programmed cell death) in cancer cells. Resveratrol appears to kill off cancer cells by depolarizing (demagnetizing) mitochondrial membranes (the energy source) within tumor cells, which results in a decrease in the cells potential to function.

Reseveratrol is virtually non-toxic since, after oral ingestion, it is quickly metabolized by the liver, attached to a detoxification molecule called glucuronate, which renders it harmless. However, at the tumor site, the resveratrol is unzipped by an enzyme called glucuronidase that uncouples it from the glucuronate and makes it available to go to work on the cancer cells. Resveratrol is a dozen cancer-fighting drugs all wrapped up into one.  It is another of Gods natural cancer killers and fights cancer in so many ways that researchers can’t find a cancer-promotion pathway it doesn’t inhibit.

Resveratrol is also known for its ability to protect from bacteria and fungi, and it has been suggested that resveratrol underlies the phenomenon known as the French paradox (the unexplained fact that the French, who have the same cholesterol levels as the rest of us, have only one-third the rate of heart disease).  

Stick a few grapes on a toothpick and freeze them for the kiddos and you have a healthy popsicle. Be sure to choose red or black grapes and eat the skin and seeds to get the most health benefits. Another awesome thing about grapes is that the seeds contain laetrile (vitamin B17) which selectively targets cancer cells. I will be talking about this amazing vitamin in my next newsletter.

Don't be fooled by "AminoSweet"

Aspartame producer Ajinomoto is launching a new initiative that will rebrand the toxic sweetener as “AminoSweet,” to remind us that it is made from amino acids, the building blocks of proteins. Oh, isnt that special? People will feel all warm and fuzzy and believe that it must be healthy. After all, amino acids are good, arent they?

Dont fall for the slick marketing ploy. This is deception at its finest: Begin with a shred of truth, and then spin it to fit your own agenda, which in this case appears to be to convince us that this is just a healthy sweetener made from amino acids which are already present in our bodies. But whether you call it NutraSweet or Equal or AminoSweet, the aspartic acid in aspartame is a well-documented excitotoxin.

Excitotoxins are usually amino acids, such as glutamate (in MSG) and aspartate (in aspartame), which cause particular brain cells to become excessively excited to the point that they die. Dr Russell L. Blaylock, a professor of neurosurgery at the Medical University of Mississippi, published a book (Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills) which thoroughly details the damage that is caused by the ingestion of excessive aspartate from aspartame. He utilizes almost five hundred scientific references to show how aspartate and glutamate are causing serious chronic neurological disorders and a myriad of other health problems.

Believe it or not, aspartame was once on a Pentagon list of biowarfare chemicals submitted to Congress! Although test studies showed that it is extremely toxic to the brain, the government suppressed this fact and it was officially approved as a food additive for use in soft drinks in 1983.  The FDA ignored complaints of headaches, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, seizures, convulsions, blurred vision, and a multitude of other negative reactions to aspartame.  The truth of the matter is that the FDA has always known aspartame is a carcinogen and the FDA’s own toxicologist (the late Dr. Adrian Gross) told Congress without a shadow of a doubt aspartame can trigger brain tumors and brain cancers and violates the Delaney Amendment which forbids putting anything in food you know will cause cancer. 

Beware of a wolf dressed up in sheep’s clothing. In this case, its aspartame dressed up as AminoSweet. Changing aspartame’s name may fool some folks, but hopefully most of us will reject this deceptive (yet clever) marketing tactic as a desperate attempt to preserve Ajinomoto’s multi-billion dollar cash cow. To learn more about the dangers of aspartame, I highly recommend that you watch an excellent video entitled Sweet Misery.

Want to Get Healthy? Lay off the Sodas!

I remember in college one of my buddies told me that he had quit drinking sodas back in high school. At that time, knowing virtually nothing about nutrition or health, I thought Big deal - whats wrong with sodas? 

For years, advocates of natural health have been hammering away at the message that soda causes diabetes and obesity along with a plethora of other health problems. Recent research presented at the American Heart Associations Cardiovascular Disease Epidemiology and Prevention annual conference in San Francisco reveals that since the year 2000, soda consumption has conservatively caused over 130,000 new cases of diabetes!

One of the main concerns with soda is the fact that it has a very low pH, typically around 2.0, thus it is 100,000 (105) times more acidic than water with a pH of around 7.0.  People that consume huge amounts of sodas (as well as coffee and alcohol) are typically very acidic and are “cancer magnets.”  One can of soda pop also reduces the immune response by 50% for a period of six hours!

And if thats not enough, one can of soda has almost thirteen teaspoons of sugar, most of which is fructose from high fructose corn syrup (HFCS). Despite the fact that the corn industry wants you to believe that HFCS is natural, the truth is that HFCS doesn’t actually exist anywhere in nature. It is a manufactured product created by using enzymes to increase the fructose content of corn syrup to about 90%.

This super HFCS is then blended “down” with a 100% glucose corn syrup to be added to our foods and drinks. When HFCS is ingested, it travels straight to the liver which turns the sugary liquid into fat. According to the USDA, HFCS also depletes the body of chromium, which is important in helping glucose pass from the bloodstream into the cells. This depletion of chromium in combination with an overworked pancreas frequently results in diabetes.

Due to the extremely high acidity of the HFCS combined with the phosphoric acid used in sodas, people who drink sodas often lose bone minerals and end up being diagnosed with osteoporosis, since their bodies seek out the minerals in their bones to be used as buffers in their blood. In other words, to prevent the soda from killing them, their bodies must buffer the acid, so they forfeit their bone minerals in order to stay alive!

In 1951, Dr. Clive McCay (a Navy nutritionist at the Naval Medical Research Institute) found that human teeth softened and started to dissolve in a short period of time after sitting in a cup of Coca Cola. He stated the acidity of cola beverages is about the same as vinegar, only it is masked by the sugar content. Maybe this is why sodas are also referred to as “soft drinks” – because they soften your teeth and bones!! And if you think diet sodas are better, think again. Diet sodas typically have a lower pH than normal soda, and they also contain harmful artificial sweeteners like aspartame, or should I say AminoSweet?

If you want to be healthy, you MUST give up sodas. Giving up sodas and drinking more pure water is probably the easiest way to prevent disease, yet its something that most people neglect. Our bodies are over 70% water and without sufficient water, we slowly die.

If you are thirsty, it means your cells are already dehydrated. A dry mouth should be regarded as the last outward sign of dehydration. That’s because thirst does not develop until body fluids are depleted well bellow levels required for optimal functioning.

Some statistics show that as much as 90% of us are walking around in a chronic state of dehydration. One way to tell if you’re dehydrated is to check the color of the urine. If it’s dark all the time, you’re probably dehydrated. 

As a general guideline, you need 1/2 ounce of water per pound per day. For example, a 200 pound person needs 100 ounces per day. Or, if you are tiny like my little girl Tabitha (pictured here drinking a cool glass of water), then you probably only need about 15 to 20 ounces per day.

"The 9 Steps to Keep the Doctor Away"

OK folks, I try to keep my eyes open for other good books in the health realm, and I have found one. Its written by Dr. Rashid Buttar and its called The 9 Steps to Keep the Doctor Away.

Modern medicine frowns on “prevention.” Why? The answer is simple. Treating sickness is more profitable than preventing it.  And let’s also be honest, at the core of modern medicine are frequent visits to the doctor’s office and the sale of expensive prescription drugs.  

But what if, by following a few prudent steps, you could keep the doctor away…for good? And what if the person sharing these steps was a doctor himself? Would you be skeptical? In light of the abysmal health of many doctors, you might be inclined to follow the maxim, “Never accept health advice from an unhealthy doctor.”  

But not all doctors are poor specimens of physical health. Take Dr. Rashid Buttar for example. He not only talks the talk, but he walks the walk. He is a picture of health because he follows his own advice. What a novel concept eh?  

In this brilliant book, Dr. Rashid Buttar “spills the beans” on how to get healthy and stay healthy, based on solid scientific data and his own personal experience with literally thousands of patients.  The information in this book is essential and will be life-changing. However, I must warn you, do NOT buy this book if you enjoy long waits at the doctor’s office or if you want to continue funding Big Pharma!

Dr. Buttar was offering a free gift with the pre-order of the book (which is likely going to be a New York Times best seller), but that special offer ended in February. However, I know Dr. Buttar personally and I spoke to him earlier this week, and he agreed to extend this offer only for my newsletter subscribers. So, if you pre-order The 9 Steps to Keep the Doctor Away today (priced at $23.95), and only if you order from this link, you will also receive a free gift (valued at $89.55) from Dr. Buttar.

And, the answer to your question is NO - I dont make a dime from the sale of Dr. Buttar's book. Im just recommending it because its an excellent book and can definitely help you to keep the doctor away.

Again, click this link to pre-order The 9 Steps to Keep the Doctor Away and also receive your free gift.

OK, enough for this time. But stay tuned. My next monthly newsletter will have some more great information.

And please REMEMBER: Cancer does NOT have to be a death sentence!

Thanks and God bless.

Click below to order Cancer-Step Outside the Box

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NOTE:  This is an E-book, available in Adobe (.pdf)
format for instant download. 

This newsletter is copyright of Ty M. Bollinger, Infinity 5102 Partners, and

Important Note: I am not a doctor. All content within this information letter is commentary or opinion and is protected under Free Speech laws in all the civilized world. The information contained herein is for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified licensed professional. The facts presented on this website and in the book are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone consider that I am practicing medicine.  A conscious effort has been made to only present information that is both accurate and truthful. However, I assume no responsibility for inaccuracies in my source materials, nor do I assume responsibility for how this material is used. Any statements regarding alternative treatments for cancer have not been evaluated by the FDA.